Easy Pro*C Lib Online Document
Easy Pro*C Lib was written in C99 and built with gcc 3.4+. It is platform independent and supports simple logging mechanism, especially it provides a very easy way to handle high performance CRUD operations in Oracle.
Win32 platform
MinGW is required
use reimp.exe to generate liborasql(N).a from orasql(N).lib, N means the Oracle's version.
modify keys (EZPCLIB_HOME, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_VER) in Makefile, be use the slash(/) sign as path delimiter even under Win32.
add include ./mingw.mk into Makefile.
Unix platform
modify keys (EZPCLIB_HOME, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_VER) in Makefile.
set include ./unix.mk in Makefile.
execute employee.sql via SQL*Plus.
edit testcase.properties, modify the key conn.str formatted by "userid/pass@tnsname", ex: conn.str=scott/tiger
gcc v3.4+ is required otherwise you have to write your own Makefile.
development build by typing make debug.
production build by typing make release.
execute testcase.exe and check if all tests passed.
we can generate DAO by using DaoGen
requirement: JRE 1.5+ and Oracle JDBC driver.
usage: java -cp oracle_jdbc_driver_path;. DaoGen db_name_in_tns db_user db_pass table_name buffer_size db_name_in_code
ex: java -cp C:\oracle\ora9\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;. DaoGen testdb scott tiger table1 500 db001
Easy Pro*C Lib is copyright (c) 2009 by F.C. Huang